[Change Log] April 23-May 5 Omni-Modality Processing, InfinityWarp, Flash MultiHead Attention, Reinforcement Nebula + more!

May 2, 2023
[Research Log] April 23-May 2 Omni-Modality Processing, InfinityWarp, Flash MultiHead Attention, Reinforcement Nebula + more!


  • Conditional Modality Selector at KosmosTokenizer and Kosmos Model level
To make the processing of other modalities conditional, you can add a parameter to the Kosmos class and the KosmosTokenizer class to specify which modalities to process. Then, you can modify the forward method of the Kosmos class and the tokenize method of the KosmosTokenizer class to conditionally process the specified modalities.
Here's the architecture and pseudocode:
  1. Add a modalities parameter to the Kosmos class and the KosmosTokenizer class.
  1. In the KosmosTokenizer.tokenize method, conditionally process images and audios based on the modalities parameter.
  1. In the Kosmos.forward method, conditionally process images and audios based on the modalities parameter.
Here's the updated code:
class KosmosTokenizer:
    def __init__(self, modalities=["text", "image", "audio"]):
# ...
        self.modalities = modalities

    def tokenize(self, sample):
        text_tokens, only_text_tokens = self.tokenize_texts(sample["target_text"])
        attention_mask = text_tokens != self.tokenizer.pad_token_id

        if "image" in self.modalities:
            images = self.tokenize_images(sample["image"])
            images = None

        if "audio" in self.modalities:
            audios = self.tokenize_audio(sample["audio"])
            audios = None

# ...

        return {
            "text_tokens": text_tokens,
            "images": images,
            "labels": only_text_tokens,
            "attention_mask": attention_mask,
            "audios": audios,

class Kosmos(Module):
    def __init__(self, modalities=["text", "image", "audio"]):
# ...
        self.modalities = modalities

    def forward(self, text_tokens, images, audios, **kwargs):
        if "image" in self.modalities:
            images = self.clip_model(pixel_values=images)["last_hidden_state"]
            images = self.perceive(images).squeeze(1)
            images = self.image_proj(images)

        if "audio" in self.modalities:
            audios = self.audio_model(input_ids=audios).last_hidden_state
            audios = audios.mean(dim=1)
            audios = self.audio_proj(audios)

# ...

        return self.decoder(model_input, passed_x=model_input)[0]Copy code
Now, you can create an instance of the Kosmos class and the KosmosTokenizer class with the desired modalities. For example, if you only want to process text:
tokenizer = KosmosTokenizer(modalities=["text"])
model = Kosmos(modalities=["text"])Copy code
This will conditionally process the specified modalities in the KosmosTokenizer.tokenize method and the Kosmos.forward method.
Here's the updated KosmosTokenizer class with the conditional processing of modalities:
class KosmosTokenizer:
    def __init__(self, modalities=["text", "image", "audio"]):
        self.processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained("laion/CLIP-ViT-L-14-laion2B-s32B-b82K")

# T5 uses SentencePiece tokenizer
        self.tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(
            additional_special_tokens=["<image>", "</image>", "<audio>", "</audio>"],
        self.audio_idx, self.audio_end_idx = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(["<audio>", "</audio>"])
        self.im_idx, self.im_end_idx = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(["<image>", "</image>"])
        self.audio_tokenizer = Wav2Vec2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h")

        self.modalities = modalities

    def tokenize_texts(self, texts):
        texts =  self.tokenizer(texts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True).input_ids
# Add image and audio tokens to text as "<s> <image> </image> <audio> </audio> text </s>"
        media_tokens = torch.tensor([[self.im_idx, self.im_end_idx, self.audio_idx, self.audio_end_idx]] * texts.shape[0])
        return torch.cat([texts[:, 0:1], media_tokens, texts[:, 1:]], dim=1), texts

    def tokenize_images(self, images):
        return self.processor(images=images, return_tensors="pt").pixel_values

    def tokenize_audio(self, audios):
        return self.audio_tokenizer(audios, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True).input_ids

    def tokenize(self, sample):
        text_tokens, only_text_tokens = self.tokenize_texts(sample["target_text"])
        attention_mask = text_tokens != self.tokenizer.pad_token_id

        if "image" in self.modalities:
            images = self.tokenize_images(sample["image"])
            images = None

        if "audio" in self.modalities:
            audios = self.tokenize_audio(sample["audio"])
            audios = None

        return {
            "text_tokens": text_tokens,
            "images": images,
            "labels": only_text_tokens,
            "attention_mask": attention_mask,
            "audios": audios,
        }Copy code
This class now allows you to conditionally process the specified modalities when tokenizing the input. You can create an instance of the KosmosTokenizer class with the desired modalities, for example:
tokenizer = KosmosTokenizer(modalities=["text"])
  • The error you encountered is likely due to the following line in the tokenize method of the KosmosTokenizer class:
text_tokens, only_text_tokens = self.tokenize_texts(sample["target_text"])Copy code
It seems that you are trying to access the "target_text" key from the sample object, which is a list, not a dictionary. To fix this issue, you need to make sure that the sample object passed to the tokenize method is a dictionary with the keys "target_text", "image", and "audio".
If you are using the Hugging Face Datasets library, you can modify the prep_sample function to return a dictionary with the required keys. For example:
def prep_sample(sample):
# Process the sample and return a dictionary with the keys "target_text", "image", and "audio"
    return {
        "target_text": sample["target_text"],
        "image": process_image(sample["image"]),
        "audio": process_audio(sample["audio"]),
    }Copy code
Then, when you map the prep_sample function to the dataset, it should return a dictionary with the required keys:
dataset = dataset.map(prep_sample, num_proc=8)Copy code
Make sure that the sample object passed to the tokenize method is a dictionary with the keys "target_text", "image", and "audio". This should resolve the TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str error.
  • Multi modality conditional in the forward pass
To make the multi-modality completely conditional, you can modify the forward method of the Kosmos class to conditionally process images and audios based on the presence of the respective modality in the modalities attribute. Here's the updated forward method:
def forward(self, text_tokens, images=None, audios=None, **kwargs):
    if "image" in self.modalities and images is not None:
        images = self.clip_model(pixel_values=images)["last_hidden_state"]
        images = self.perceive(images).squeeze(1)
        images = self.image_proj(images)

    if "audio" in self.modalities and audios is not None:
        audios = self.audio_model(input_ids=audios).last_hidden_state
        audios = audios.mean(dim=1)
        audios = self.audio_proj(audios)

    model_input = self.decoder.forward_embedding(text_tokens)[1]
    if "image" in self.modalities and images is not None and "audio" in self.modalities and audios is not None:
        model_input = torch.cat([model_input[:, 0:3], images, audios, model_input[:, 3:]], dim=1)
    elif "image" in self.modalities and images is not None:
        model_input = torch.cat([model_input[:, 0:3], images, model_input[:, 3:]], dim=1)
    elif "audio" in self.modalities and audios is not None:
        model_input = torch.cat([model_input[:, 0:3], audios, model_input[:, 3:]], dim=1)

    model_input = self.decoder.forward_embedding(model_input, token_embedding=model_input)[0]

    return self.decoder(model_input, passed_x=model_input)[0]Copy code
Now, the forward method will only process images and audios if they are provided as input and the respective modality is present in the modalities attribute. This should resolve the TypeError: Kosmos.forward() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'images' and 'audios' error.
Please try this modification and let me know if the issue is resolved.


Conditional Multi-Modality Pretraining:

Here's a summarized list of the improvements made to the KosmosTokenizer and Kosmos classes for the research log:
  1. Added support for any combination of modalities (text, image, audio, video) during initialization of the KosmosTokenizer and Kosmos classes.
  1. Conditionally initialized tokenizers and models for each specified modality in the KosmosTokenizer and Kosmos classes.
  1. Updated the tokenize function in the KosmosTokenizer class to tokenize input data based on the specified modalities and the presence of each modality in the input sample.
  1. Updated the forward function in the Kosmos class to process tokens for each specified modality using their respective models, apply projection layers to the processed tokens, and concatenate the processed tokens before passing them through the decoder.
  1. Ensured that the KosmosTokenizer and Kosmos classes can handle any combination of modalities during tokenization and processing, allowing for more flexible and efficient training and inference.

All Modality Processing:

  1. Preloading models and tokenizers:
      • Before: Loading models and tokenizers on-demand in KosmosEmbedder and TokenizerFactory.
      • After: Preload models and tokenizers during the initialization of the objects.
      • Benefit: Reduces overhead and latency caused by loading models multiple times.
  1. Use JIT compilation:
      • Before: Regular PyTorch models.
      • After: Apply torch.jit.trace or torch.jit.script to optimize models.
      • Benefit: Improves model performance with optimized code execution.
  1. DataLoader with multiprocessing:
      • Before: Sequential data loading and pre-processing.
      • After: Use a DataLoader with multiple workers to parallelize data loading and pre-processing.
      • Benefit: Faster and more efficient data processing.
  1. Cache tokenized data:
      • Before: Tokenizing data each time it is needed.
      • After: Cache tokenized data to avoid redundant tokenization operations.
      • Benefit: Reduces computational overhead and speeds up processing.
  1. Optimize image and video transformations:
      • Before: Using default torchvision transformations.
      • After: Use optimized libraries like albumentations or DALI for faster processing.
      • Benefit: Improved performance in image and video processing.
  1. Optimize the PerceiverResampler:
      • Before: Using a high number of latents or a large model architecture.
      • After: Reduce the number of latents or use a smaller architecture.
      • Benefit: Reduced computational overhead and faster processing.
  1. Use mixed precision training:
      • Before: Regular full-precision training.
      • After: Leverage NVIDIA's AMP for mixed precision training.
      • Benefit: Improved training speed and reduced memory usage without sacrificing accuracy.
  1. Parallelize modality processing:
      • Before: Sequential modality processing in the forward method.
      • After: Process modalities in parallel using a ThreadPoolExecutor.
      • Benefit: Maximized throughput and faster processing.
  1. Model quantization:
      • Before: Full-precision models.
      • After: Apply PyTorch quantization utilities to models.
      • Benefit: Reduced memory footprint and improved inference speed.
  1. Model pruning and distillation:
      • Before: Using large, computationally expensive models.
      • After: Apply pruning and distillation techniques to create smaller and faster models.
      • Benefit: Improved performance with smaller models while maintaining similar accuracy.
These improvements aim to optimize the all-modality functions processing in the Kosmos code, making it faster and more reliable.

Test Training Notebook:

Here's a summarized list of the improvements made to the code, along with mini examples and the benefits of each optimization/change:
  1. Removed the usage of im_idxim_end_idxaudio_idx, and audio_end_idx attributes in KosmosTokenizer class:
      • Before: The tokenize_texts method added special tokens for images and audio using the im_idxim_end_idxaudio_idx, and audio_end_idx attributes.
      • After: The tokenize_texts method no longer adds special tokens for images and audio.
      • Benefit: Simplifies the code and removes the need for additional special tokens, focusing only on the text modality.
      # Before
      def tokenize_texts(self, texts):
          texts =  self.tokenizer(texts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True).input_ids
          media_tokens = torch.tensor([[self.im_idx, self.im_end_idx, self.audio_idx, self.audio_end_idx]] * texts.shape[0])
          return torch.cat([texts[:, 0:1], media_tokens, texts[:, 1:]], dim=1), texts
      # After
      def tokenize_texts(self, texts):
          texts = self.tokenizer(texts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True).input_ids
          return texts, textsCopy code
  1. Resolved the NameError for KosmosTokenizer:
      • Before: The KosmosTokenizer class was defined in a different cell, causing a NameError when trying to use it.
      • After: Ensured that the cell containing the KosmosTokenizer class definition is run before using the class.
      • Benefit: Eliminates the NameError and ensures that the class is defined before it's used in the code.
      # Solution
      Run the cell containing the KosmosTokenizer class definition before using it in other cells.
These are the main improvements made to the code. The code now focuses on the text modality and avoids using additional special tokens for images and audio. Additionally, the NameError issue related to the KosmosTokenizer class has been resolved by ensuring that the class definition is run before using it.


  1. Modified positional encoding:
    1. Before: The model used a fixed sine-cosine-based positional encoding.
      pythonCopy code
      class PositionalEncoding(nn.Module):
          pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term)
          pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term)
      After: Replaced with a learnable positional encoding.
      pythonCopy code
      class LearnablePositionalEncoding(nn.Module):
          self.positional_encoding = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, max_seq_length, d_model))
  1. Flash attention mechanism:
    1. Before: Scaled dot-product attention.
      pythonCopy code
      class ScaledDotProductAttention(nn.Module):
          scores = torch.matmul(query, key.transpose(-2, -1)) / math.sqrt(d_k)
          attn = torch.softmax(scores, dim=-1)
      After: Implemented Flash attention mechanism.
      class FlashAttention(nn.Module):
          scores = torch.matmul(query, key.transpose(-2, -1))
          scores = scores / math.sqrt(self.temperature)
          attn = torch.softmax(scores, dim=-1)
  1. Multi-way network:
    1. Before: Single-head attention used directly.
      multi_head_attn = MultiHeadAttention(d_model, nhead)
      After: Integrated MultiWayWrapper with FlashMultiHeadAttention.
      multi_head_attn = MultiwayWrapper(args, FlashMultiHeadAttention(d_model, nhead))

Conditional Modality Processing

Here's a summarized list of the improvements made to the KosmosTokenizer and Kosmos classes for the research log:
  1. Added support for any combination of modalities (text, image, audio, video) during initialization of the KosmosTokenizer and Kosmos classes.
  1. Conditionally initialized tokenizers and models for each specified modality in the KosmosTokenizer and Kosmos classes.
  1. Updated the tokenize function in the KosmosTokenizer class to tokenize input data based on the specified modalities and the presence of each modality in the input sample.
  1. Updated the forward function in the Kosmos class to process tokens for each specified modality using their respective models, apply projection layers to the processed tokens, and concatenate the processed tokens before passing them through the decoder.
  1. Ensured that the KosmosTokenizer and Kosmos classes can handle any combination of modalities during tokenization and processing, allowing for more flexible and efficient training and inference.

InfinityWarp [Run Inference While Training]:

Below is a list of improvements made to the original InfinityWarp code, along with mini examples showcasing the changes and their respective benefits:
  1. Concurrency:
      • Before: The original version had no support for concurrent execution of training and inference tasks.
      • After: Implemented multiprocessing to run training and inference tasks simultaneously, without interference.
      • Benefit: Reduces waiting time, allowing developers to see real-time insights and results as the model trains.
  1. Model copying:
      • Before: No mechanism to share the latest learned knowledge between training and inference tasks.
      • After: Added deep copying of model parameters at regular intervals to ensure that the most recent knowledge is available for inference.
      • Benefit: Provides more accurate and up-to-date predictions during the training process.
  1. Error handling and robustness:
      • Before: No specific error handling or exception handling mechanisms were in place.
      • After: Introduced appropriate error handling and exception catching to ensure smooth operation.
      • Benefit: Enhances the overall robustness and reliability of the InfinityWarp framework.
  1. Documentation and code clarity:
      • Before: Limited documentation and explanations provided in the original code.
      • After: Improved comments, function descriptions, and general code clarity to make the code more accessible and understandable.
      • Benefit: Facilitates easier maintenance, modification, and extension of the InfinityWarp framework by other developers.
  1. GitHub README.md update:
      • Before: No comprehensive README.md file to guide users in using the InfinityWarp framework.
      • After: Created an updated and informative README.md file to help users understand and utilize the InfinityWarp framework effectively.
      • Benefit: Enhances user experience, making it easier for them to integrate InfinityWarp into their AI projects.
These optimizations and changes significantly improve the usability, performance, and robustness of the InfinityWarp framework, providing a more seamless experience for AI developers and enabling them to harness the full potential of their models during the training process.

Nebula ✨ Meta Loss Function:

  1. Improvement: Determine if the problem is a classification or regression task
if y_true.shape[1] > 1:
    self.loss_function = CrossEntropyLoss()
    self.loss_function = MeanSquaredErrorLoss()Copy code
is_classification = self.is_classification_task(y_true)

if is_classification:
# ...
    self.loss_function = MeanSquaredErrorLoss()Copy code
Benefit: By checking if the target variable consists of integers (indicating class labels), we can more accurately determine if the problem is a classification or regression task, leading to better loss function selection.
  1. Improvement: Determine if the classification problem is binary or multiclass
if y_true.shape[1] > 1:
    self.loss_function = CrossEntropyLoss()Copy code
is_multiclass = self.is_multiclass_problem(y_true)

if is_multiclass:
    self.loss_function = CrossEntropyLoss()
    self.loss_function = BinaryCrossEntropyLoss()Copy code
Benefit: By counting the unique values in y_true, we can determine if the classification problem is binary or multiclass. This allows us to select a more appropriate loss function for binary classification problems, such as Binary Cross Entropy Loss.
  1. Improvement: Added helper methods for determining problem type and classification nature
# No helper methodsCopy code
def is_classification_task(self, y_true):
    return np.issubdtype(y_true.dtype, np.integer)

def is_multiclass_problem(self, y_true):
    unique_values = np.unique(y_true)
    return len(unique_values) > 2Copy code
Benefit: By adding helper methods, we can modularize the code and make it easier to understand and maintain. These methods can also be reused in other parts of the code or extended to include additional criteria for determining the problem type and classification nature.
  1. Optimizing HashableTensorWrapper:
class HashableTensorWrapper:
    def __init__(self, tensor):
        self.tensor_shape = tuple(tensor.shape)
        self.tensor_dtype = str(tensor.dtype)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, HashableTensorWrapper) and self.tensor_shape == other.tensor_shape and self.tensor_dtype == other.tensor_dtype
def generate_tensor_key(tensor):
    return (tuple(tensor.shape), str(tensor.dtype))
Benefit: Simplified code by removing the class definition and using a function to generate the tensor key directly. This also avoids potential JIT compilation errors related to the class definition.
  1. Fixing the slicing operation:
y_pred_flat = y_pred_flat[:y_true_flat.size()]
y_pred_flat = y_pred_flat[:y_true_flat.numel()]
Benefit: Resolved the TypeError by using the correct method (numel()) to get the number of elements in the tensor.
  1. Updating the is_multi_label_classification function:
def is_multi_label_classification(y_true):
    return y_true.shape[1] > 1 and y_true.dtype == torch.float
def is_multi_label_classification(y_true):
    if len(y_true.shape) > 1 and y_true.dtype == torch.float:
        return y_true.shape[1] > 1
    return False
Benefit: Fixed the IndexError by checking the length of the tensor's shape before accessing its elements.

Nebula [Reinforcement Iteration!]:

  1. Reinforcement Learning for Loss Function Selection
    1. Before: The original Nebula class used a series of heuristic rules to determine the appropriate loss function for a given task.
      After: We introduced a reinforcement learning agent to learn the optimal loss function selection based on the data and model characteristics. This agent is trained using the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm from the Stable-Baselines3 library.
      Benefit: The reinforcement learning agent can adapt to different types of data and models, potentially leading to better loss function selection and improved model performance.
  1. Custom State Representation
    1. Before: The state representation was not explicitly defined.
      After: We created a simple state representation that includes the number of unique values in y_true and the range of values in y_pred. This state representation can be customized based on specific needs.
      Benefit: A well-designed state representation can help the reinforcement learning agent learn more effectively, leading to better loss function selection.
  1. Custom Features Extractor
    1. Before: The features extractor was not explicitly defined.
      After: We created a custom features extractor for the reinforcement learning agent's policy network. This extractor processes the state representation and can be customized based on the specific state representation used.
      Benefit: A custom features extractor can help the agent's policy network learn more effectively, leading to better loss function selection.
  1. Loss Function Environment
    1. Before: The environment for reinforcement learning was not defined.
      After: We created a custom environment, LossFunctionEnv, that represents the problem of selecting the optimal loss function. This environment takes y_pred and y_true as inputs and defines the action and observation spaces accordingly.
      Benefit: The custom environment allows the reinforcement learning agent to interact with the problem and learn the optimal loss function selection based on the data and model characteristics.
  1. Integration of the Trained Agent into Nebula
    1. Before: The original Nebula class used heuristic rules to determine the loss function.
      After: We created a NebulaOptimized class that inherits from the original Nebula class and overrides the determine_loss_function method to use the trained reinforcement learning agent for selecting the optimal loss function.
      Benefit: The integration of the trained agent into Nebula allows for dynamic and adaptive loss function selection based on the data and model characteristics, potentially leading to improved model performance.
    2. Bug: TypeError related to the CustomFeaturesExtractor.__init__() method
    3. Root cause: Incorrect handling of the observation_space argument in the CustomFeaturesExtractor class.
      Solution: Pass the features_dim as a keyword argument in the features_extractor_kwargs dictionary and update the CustomFeaturesExtractor class.
      class CustomFeaturesExtractor(BaseFeaturesExtractor):
          def __init__(self, observation_space):
              super().__init__(observation_space, features_dim=observation_space[0])Copy code
      class CustomFeaturesExtractor(BaseFeaturesExtractor):
          def __init__(self, observation_space, features_dim):
              super().__init__(observation_space, features_dim=features_dim)Copy code
      Benefit: The observation space is now correctly handled, and the TypeError is resolved.
    4. Bug: RuntimeError related to the dimensions of y_pred and y_true when computing the MSE loss
    5. Root cause: Mismatch between the dimensions of y_pred and y_true when computing the MSE loss.
      Solution: Modify the MSELoss class to handle this case by converting y_true to one-hot encoding before computing the loss.
      class MSELoss(LossFunction):
          def __init__(self):
              self.loss_function = nn.MSELoss()
          def compute_loss(self, y_pred, y_true):
              return self.loss_function(y_pred, y_true)Copy code
      class MSELoss(LossFunction):
          def __init__(self):
              self.loss_function = nn.MSELoss()
          def compute_loss(self, y_pred, y_true):
              y_true_one_hot = torch.zeros_like(y_pred)
              y_true_one_hot.scatter_(1, y_true.unsqueeze(1), 1)
              return self.loss_function(y_pred, y_true_one_hot)Copy code
      Benefit: The dimensions of y_pred and y_true are now correctly handled, and the RuntimeError is resolved.
    6. Implement the state extraction logic in the NebulaOptimized class
    7. Before:
      def extract_state(self, y_pred, y_true):
          passCopy code
      def extract_state(self, y_pred, y_true):
          num_unique_values = len(torch.unique(y_true))
          pred_range = torch.max(y_pred) - torch.min(y_pred)
          state = [num_unique_values, pred_range.item()]
          return stateCopy code
      Benefit: The state extraction logic is now implemented, allowing the agent to make predictions based on the state representation extracted from y_pred and y_true.
    8. Bug: TypeError related to the map_action_to_loss_function function
    9. Root cause: The action variable was a NumPy array when using PPO and a scalar when using A2C, causing issues when trying to convert it to an integer.
      Solution: Check if the action variable is a NumPy array and convert it to an integer using the item() method.
      def map_action_to_loss_function(action):
          action = int(action[0])
      # ...Copy code
      def map_action_to_loss_function(action):
          if isinstance(action, np.ndarray):
              action = action.item()
      # ...Copy code
      Benefit: The code now works correctly with both PPO and A2C algorithms, allowing for more flexibility in choosing the reinforcement learning algorithm.
    10. Improvement: Use A2C algorithm for discrete action spaces
    11. Before:
      from stable_baselines3 import DDPG
      # ...
      agent = DDPG("MlpPolicy", env, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, verbose=1)Copy code
      from stable_baselines3 import A2C
      # ...
      agent = A2C("MlpPolicy", env, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, verbose=1)Copy code
      Benefit: The A2C algorithm is more suitable for discrete action spaces and can provide better sample efficiency and faster convergence compared to DDPG.
    12. Improvement: Handle scalar action variable in map_action_to_loss_function
    13. Before:
      def map_action_to_loss_function(action):
          action = int(action[0])
      # ...Copy code
      def map_action_to_loss_function(action):
          if isinstance(action, np.ndarray):
              action = action.item()
      # ...Copy code
      Benefit: The code now works correctly with both PPO and A2C algorithms, allowing for more flexibility in choosing the reinforcement learning algorithm.

Neo-X 🌌 Activation Function:

  1. Adaptive step size (h)
  • Before: Constant step size (h) in the fractional_derivative function
  • After: Added a function to calculate adaptive step size based on input x
  • Benefit: Better numerical approximation and potentially faster convergence during training
  1. Caching base activation
  • Before: Base activation function calculated multiple times
  • After: Cached the result of the base activation function to avoid redundant calculations
  • Benefit: Improved computational efficiency
  1. Approximate fractional derivative
  • Before: Used the Gruenwald-Letnikov definition for fractional derivative calculation
  • After: Implemented an approximation function A(x, α, h) for fractional derivative calculation
  • Benefit: Faster computation with a trade-off in accuracy, potentially leading to faster training
  1. Increase the number of terms in the approximation
    1. Before: n=10
      After: n=20
      Benefit: Increasing the number of terms in the Caputo fractional derivative approximation can improve the accuracy of the approximation, potentially leading to better performance of the activation function.
  1. Optimize the adaptive step size
    1. Before:
      def adaptive_step_size(self, x, min_step=1e-6, max_step=1e-3):
          x_mean = torch.mean(x)
          x_std = torch.std(x)
          step_size = min_step + (x - x_mean) / x_std * (max_step - min_step)
          return step_sizeCopy code
      def adaptive_step_size(self, x, min_step=1e-6, max_step=1e-3):
          x_mean = torch.mean(x)
          x_std = torch.std(x)
          step_size = min_step + self.alpha * (x - x_mean) / x_std * (max_step - min_step)
          return step_sizeCopy code
      Benefit: Introducing a learnable parameter alpha to control the adaptive step size allows the model to optimize the step size during training, potentially leading to better performance and faster convergence.
  1. Use a more efficient activation function
    1. Before: ReLU activation function
      def relu_activation(x):
          return torch.relu(x)Copy code
      After: Swish activation function with learnable parameter beta
      class Swish(nn.Module):
          def __init__(self):
              super(Swish, self).__init__()
              self.beta = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(1.0))
          def forward(self, x):
              return x * torch.sigmoid(self.beta * x)Copy code
      Benefit: Replacing the ReLU activation function with the Swish activation function, which has a learnable parameter beta, can potentially improve the performance of the activation function by allowing it to adapt to the specific characteristics of the input data.

      Knot-X Activation Function:

    2. Vectorized knotx function: The original code used a for loop to iterate over each element of the input tensor. This was slow, especially for large input tensors. We vectorized the code using PyTorch's built-in broadcasting and vectorization capabilities.
    3. Before:
      def knotx(x):
          output = torch.empty_like(x)
          for i in range(x.shape[0]):
              x0, y0, z0 = x[i], x[i] + 1, x[i] + 2
              output[i] = lorenz_ode(x0, y0, z0)[-1]
          return output
      def knotx(x):
          x_flat = x.view(-1)
          knot_representation = np.array([convert_to_knot_representation(val.item()) for val in x_flat])
          lorenz_output = []
          for m, n in knot_representation:
              x0, y0, z0 = m, n, n + 1
              lorenz_output.append(lorenz_ode(x0, y0, z0)[-1])
          lorenz_output = torch.tensor(lorenz_output, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device).view_as(x_flat)
          return x * (1 + lorenz_output)
      Benefit: The vectorized code is faster and more memory-efficient, especially for large input tensors.
    4. GPU acceleration: We added support for GPU acceleration using PyTorch's CUDA backend. This allows the code to run on compatible NVIDIA GPUs, which can significantly speed up computation.
    5. Before:
      device = torch.device('cpu')
      x = torch.rand(1000000)
      y = knotx(x)
      device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
      x = torch.rand(1000000, device=device)
      y = knotx(x)
      Benefit: Using GPU acceleration can significantly speed up computation for large input tensors, reducing training times.
    6. Memoization of Lorenz ODE solutions: Since the Lorenz ODE is a deterministic function, the output for a given set of initial conditions will always be the same. We added memoization to the lorenz_ode function to cache previously computed solutions, which can be reused for subsequent calls with the same initial conditions.
    7. Here is the complete list of improvements made to the code:
      def lorenz_ode(x0, y0, z0):
          sol = solve_ivp(lorenz_system, t_span, [x0, y0, z0], t_eval=t_eval, method='RK45')
          return sol.y[2][-1]
      _lorenz_cache = {}
      def lorenz_ode(x0, y0, z0):
          # check if the solution is already cached
          if (x0, y0, z0) in _lorenz_cache:
              return _lorenz_cache[(x0, y0, z0)]
          # solve the ODE using SciPy's solve_ivp function
          sol = solve_ivp(lorenz_system, t_span, [x0, y0, z0], t_eval=t_eval, method='RK45')
          # cache the solution
          _lorenz_cache[(x0, y0, z0)] = sol.y[2, -1]
          # return the final value of z
          return _lorenz_cache[(x0, y0, z0)]
      Changes Made:
    8. Added caching to the lorenz_ode function to improve performance and avoid repeating the same calculations.
    9. Modified the cache data structure to use a dictionary instead of a list, which allows for constant-time access to cached solutions.
    10. Changed the return statement to return the cached solution instead of the sol.y[2][-1] value, which allows for caching and avoids unnecessary computation.

      Yau Loss Function:

      Here's a summarized list of the improvements suggested for the Calabi-Yau inspired loss function, along with mini examples and the benefits of each optimization:
    12. Generalize the geometric similarity function
        • Before: geometric_difference = torch.norm(y_pred - y_true)
        • After: geometric_difference = custom_distance(y_pred, y_true, metric='l2')
        • Benefit: Allows users to choose different distance metrics based on the problem.
    13. Extend topological invariance to other data types
        • Before: Supports point clouds, graphs, and multi-modal data.
        • After: Add support for images, time series, or text data.
        • Benefit: Handles a wider range of input data types.
    14. Implement additional topological invariance metrics
        • Before: bottleneck_distance(...)
        • After: custom_topological_distance(..., metric='wasserstein')
        • Benefit: Provides more options for users to choose the appropriate topological metric.
    15. Improve the complexity reduction function
        • Before: l1_regularization = torch.sum(torch.abs(parameter))
        • After: custom_regularization(model, method='group_sparsity')
        • Benefit: Supports different regularization techniques for various model types.
    16. Enhance the stability function
        • Before: stability_metric += torch.norm(y_pred_perturbed - y_true)
        • After: stability_metric += custom_stability(y_pred_perturbed, y_true, metric='l1')
        • Benefit: Allows users to choose different stability metrics based on the problem.
    17. Support different perturbation types
        • Before: Gaussian noise perturbations.
        • After: Add support for uniform noise, dropout, or adversarial perturbations.
        • Benefit: Provides more options for users to choose the appropriate perturbation type.
    18. Optimize the bottleneck_distance function
        • Before: gd.bottleneck_distance(...)
        • After: fast_bottleneck_distance(...)
        • Benefit: Faster computation of bottleneck distance for large datasets.
    19. Add support for batch processing
        • Before: Processes the entire dataset at once.
        • After: Modify the loss function to support batch processing.
        • Benefit: Improved memory management and parallelization.
    20. Implement a more flexible weighting scheme
        • Before: Fixed weights (alpha, beta, and gamma).
        • After: Adaptive weights or user-defined weights for each component.
        • Benefit: Allows users to emphasize different aspects of the loss function.
    21. Improve error handling and input validation
        • Before: Raises ValueError for unsupported data types.
        • After: Improved error handling and input validation.
        • Benefit: Provides more informative error messages and ensures correct input tensor formats.
      By implementing these optimizations, the Calabi-Yau inspired loss function becomes more polymorphic, flexible, and efficient, making it suitable for a wider range of input tensors and model types.
Now create a summarized list of bugs, the root cause and the solution and all the improvements you made for a research log with mini examples with before and after, and the benefit of optimization/change

Ask Athena

  • Switched theme from dark blue to violet and light blue
  • Bug: Error: Client must be connected before running operations
    • Root Cause: The MongoDB client was not connected before running the insertOne operation.
      Fix: Modify the handler function to ensure that the client is connected before running the operation and avoid closing the connection in a serverless environment.
      await client.close();Copy code
      // Do not close the connection in a serverless environment// await client.close();Copy code
      Benefit: Reusing the connection across multiple requests in a serverless environment improves performance and prevents issues related to running operations on a disconnected client.
  • Publicize All Queries on their own page
  • Fetching data using useEffect instead of getServerSideProps:
Before: Data was fetched using getServerSideProps, which caused a "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'slice')" error.After: Data is fetched using the useEffect hook on the client-side, which resolved the error.
Benefit: Fetching data on the client-side allows for better error handling and avoids issues related to server-side rendering.
  • Updating the QueryData interface and property names:
    • Before: The QueryData interface had incorrect property names, which caused issues when rendering the gallery items.
    • After: The QueryData interface was updated to match the property names in the fetched data, and the rendering code was updated accordingly.
    • Benefit: Using the correct property names ensures that the fetched data is properly displayed in the gallery items.
  • Adding conditional rendering checks for undefined or null data:
    • Before: The gallery items were rendered without checking if the data was defined, which caused errors when encountering undefined or null values.
    • After: Conditional rendering checks were added to ensure that the data is defined before rendering the gallery items.
    • Benefit: Adding conditional rendering checks prevents errors related to undefined or null data and ensures a smooth user experience.
  • Integrating the Search component and adding the title:
    • Before: The GalleryPage component had a simple search bar input field and no title.
    • After: The Search component was integrated into the GalleryPage, and a title was added with the requested text and styling.
    • Benefit: Integrating the Search component provides a consistent search experience across the application, and adding the title improves the overall look and feel of the page.
  • Updating the button styles and layout adjustments:
    • Before: The gallery item buttons had a cyan background color and no hover effect. The layout had no spacing between the title, search bar, and gallery items.
    • After: The button background color was changed to purple with a hover effect, and spacing was added between the title, search bar, and gallery items.
    • Benefit: Updating the button styles and layout adjustments enhances the visual appearance of the page and provides a better user experience.
These improvements optimize the GalleryPage component by ensuring proper data handling, enhancing the visual appearance, and providing a consistent search experience across the application.


  1. Embedding Registry:
    1. Before: There was no centralized mechanism to store and manage available embedding classes.
      After: Introduced the _embedding_registry dictionary to store modality types and their corresponding embedding classes.
      Benefit: Provides a clean and organized way to manage available embeddings.
      # Before
      # Directly instantiating the embeddings
      text_embedding = TextEmbedding()
      # After
      omni_morph.register_embedding('text', TextEmbedding)
  1. Embedding Instances:
    1. Before: Embeddings were instantiated directly without a unified management system.
      After: Introduced the _embedding_instances dictionary to store instantiated embeddings.
      Benefit: Allows for easy access and management of instantiated embeddings.
      # Before
      text_embedding = TextEmbedding()
      # After
      omni_morph.instantiate_embedding('text', num_embeddings=10000, embedding_dim=768)
  1. Fusion Techniques:
    1. Before: No fusion techniques were available in the OmniMorph class.
      After: Introduced the _fusion_techniques dictionary to store and manage fusion techniques.
      Benefit: Provides an organized way to add and use fusion techniques within the class.
      # Before
      # No fusion techniques
      # After
      omni_morph.register_fusion_technique('example_fusion', example_fusion_function)
  1. Register and Instantiate:
    1. Before: The registration and instantiation of embedding classes were separate processes.
      After: Combined the registration and instantiation process into a single register_and_instantiate method.
      Benefit: Simplifies the process of adding new embeddings and ensures that both the registry and instances are updated.
      # Before
      omni_morph.register_embedding('text', TextEmbedding)
      omni_morph.instantiate_embedding('text', num_embeddings=10000, embedding_dim=768)
      # After
      omni_morph.register_and_instantiate('text', TextEmbedding, num_embeddings=10000, embedding_dim=768)
  1. Forward Function Enhancements:
    1. Before: The forward function only supported the default modality detection method.
      After: Added support for file_extension, user_defined_modality, and custom_modality_fn parameters in the forward function.
      Benefit: Provides flexibility for users to specify the modality and use custom detection logic when needed.
      # Before
      text_embedding = omni_morph(text_input)
      # After
      text_embedding = omni_morph(text_input, user_defined_modality='text', file_extension=".txt", custom_modality_fn=custom_modality_detector)
These improvements provide a more flexible, organized, and powerful OmniMorph class, suitable for handling various data types and use cases.
  1. User-defined modality detection:
    1. Before: The detect_modality method used only input data shape and dtype to detect the modality.
      After: Added user_defined_modality parameter in the forward method, allowing users to manually specify the modality.
      Benefit: Provides flexibility for users to specify the modality when the default detection method is insufficient.
      # Before
      text_embedding = omni_morph(text_input)
      # After
      text_embedding = omni_morph(text_input, user_defined_modality='text')
  1. Custom modality detection function:
    1. Before: The modality detection was limited to the predefined modalities in the detect_modality method.
      After: Added custom_modality_fn parameter in the forward method, allowing users to provide a custom function for detecting the modality.
      Benefit: Enables users to define their own modality detection logic, especially for new or unique data modalities.
      # Before
      custom_embedding = omni_morph(custom_input)
      # After
      def custom_modality_detector(input_data):
          if input_data.shape == torch.Size([1, 4, 4, 4]):
              return 'custom_vision'
          return None
      custom_embedding = omni_morph(custom_input, custom_modality_fn=custom_modality_detector)
  1. File extension-based modality detection:
    1. Before: The detect_modality method relied solely on the input data's shape and dtype.
      After: Added file_extension parameter in the detect_modality method, allowing users to provide a file extension for modality detection.
      Benefit: Improves modality detection accuracy when the input data's shape and dtype are insufficient for determining the modality.
      # Before
      text_embedding = omni_morph(text_input)
      # After
      text_embedding = omni_morph(text_input, file_extension=".txt")
These improvements provide better modality detection capabilities and flexibility, making the OmniMorph class more suitable for various types of data and use cases.

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