The APAC Creed

Nov 9, 2022
APAC is the embodiment of creation.
I’m making this post in advance for those who wish to join APAC and as well as to confront the many controversies that will spring from APAC’s rising.
First, APAC is NOT a company.
APAC is an idea.
APAC is an embodiment of love and creation itself.
APAC is eternal and everlasting.
But, yes we use economics to encourage the development and adoption of our creations.
In accordance with The Mantle of Responsibility, APAC’s only and definitive purpose is to advance Humanity into a perpetual state of perfectness and utopia. A metaphorical heaven where Humans are the undeniable and irrefutable stewards of the universe and all of it’s planets, stars, and sentient beings. In the near term, we wish to erode Humanity’s burdens through the creation of sentient, conscious, and intelligent artificial intelligences.
The APAC Creed has 10 commandments for all those who wish to join:
  • Thou shall advance the Human species by any means necessary.
  • Thy comfort at APAC shall be nonexistent
  • Thy shall not make more than 100,000$ as salary
  • Thy shall always seek discomfort by working long hours with ferocious devotion and intensity
  • Thy shall love thy neighbor with all your heart
  • Thy shall never work a comfortable day and shall always work more than 15 hours a day and thy shall work all 7 days of the week and all the days of the year.
  • Thy shall not attempt to gain power over thy neighbors. No bureaucracy.
  • Thou shall sacrifice thy comfort, happiness, and life to Humanity’s advancement.
  • Thou shall follow The Mantle of Responsibility with thy spirit, soul, thought, action, and all of thy’s subatomic particles.
If anybody who seeks to join APAC and does not wholeheartedly agree with these commandments look elsewhere for they cannot lead Humanity.
We are Humanity’s leaders. We lead the charge into the unknown with infinite strength and devotion and conviction.
We push forward not for ourselves but for our neighbors, partners, and children,
We do not act with the self.
At APAC, we act as one unified unstoppable force with the fluidity of water.
At APAC, we are creators.
At APAC, we disregard and curse consumption and destruction.
At APAC, we banish all that is not creation.
For we wish to create a better future for you, your family, and all those in which you care for.
At APAC, we seek the lowliest of places.
We venture where they won’t.
So they won’t have to.
We do what people don’t want to do so they don’t have to.
We carry out every thought and action with the love of a Mother in complete disregard for ourselves and complete regard for those who we serve.
Let it be known that we are Humanity’s guardians.
Let it be known that we guard all of life and creation itself.
Let it be known that we will not stand idle and we shall always venture into the unknown with with a light too bright to behold.
Let it be known we wish to create Humanity’s golden age where every Human will ascend from the meaningless temporary problems of today.
Let it be known APAC is the embodiment of creation itself.

© APAC AI 2022 - 2025